Sunday, January 4, 2009

The year of the palindrome


The only other age I've experienced as a "palindrome" was at eleven
And that seems like it's been so long ago...

I try my best to keep in mind that a lot of change has and will continue to come my way and only He knows what is in store...

BUT I can feel that the year 2009 will be a year of great things. Even if it is just my optimism, it is this kind of feeling that will help me stay driven and determined to make sure each day is lived with purpose.

Love and hurt
Relationships flourishing, rekindling, or diminishing...

Before I reach my 23rd birthday on December 20th, 2009 (oh gosh) I'll have gained a year's-worth [or more] of knowledge and growth that will lead me closer to wherever I'm meant to be and to do whatever I'm meant to do.

Here's to new memories, opportunities, and blessings that will complement the many great ones already experienced in this life of mine...lore and joy.

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