I will try to prevent times when negative behaviors and attitudes jeopardize my efforts to productively achieve my goals.
I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can I really enjoy collaborating with creative individuals. I find direction when brainstorming ideas to do things more effectively and efficiently. I find value in organizing events that bring people together.
I will find enjoyment in my personal life through cooking, playing the piano, reading books and traveling.
I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as playing musical instruments; painting and drawing; and lending my ear to friends.
I can do anything I set my mind to. I will work towards making education for our world's youth more tangible so that they can selflessly grow and put their knowledge and talents to use for the better of society.
My life's journey is traveling the world and being inspired by the most creative and innovative people so that I can share the same creativity with others. In turn, I would pay the inspiration forward to those I meet throughout my travels, creating a movement that sparks ideas into action and brings about positive change.
I will be a person who my family and closest friends will raise a toast to in celebration of my contributions to each of their lives as a loving and generous person.
My most important future contribution will be providing my family with a home they could seek shelter and comfort in whenever they like.
I will stop procrastinating and start working on:
- Overcoming any fears or doubts of pursuing a career I am truly passionate about; I have confidence enough to believe that my passion will bring about genuine happiness and satisfaction
- Being more proactive about my professional growth and voicing my desires to constantly learn
I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life:
- Stay true to oneself
- Reach for success while staying grounded
- Have the strength and determination to do good for others
I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life:
- Allow my body to rest and attain the right amount of sleep each day.
- Pray and thank God for my blessings each day.
- Reflect on my goals and achievements to realize what I have accomplished each day.
- Reach out to my friends and family and ask them how they are doing each day.
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